This work was inspired by traditional wood carvings from the Saxon Erzgebirge (Ore Mountains) region. Traditionally, a wooden ring is being lathe cut with the profile of a toy animal. After the ring is carved up into individual slices, the animal becomes visible, each slice making a wooden toy (fig. 5/5). Concealed in the profile of the printed ring shown here is the Hebrew word be’reshit. It is the first word of the Torah and means “in the beginning”. In the beginning was the thought, the idea that remained hidden before its emanation. Likewise, be’reshit is hidden within the ring and thus invisible. Only by vocalizing and by realizing its concrete shape can it be recognized. Yet we must begin, make a cut, become concrete and also violent, because nothing can return into its origin. If we assume a new way of being, a new beginning, the creation of a new, machine-based and machine-generated electronic world, with its own creation process invisible to man, then there may be something like a new beginning. It is invisible at present, everything is still hidden in the beginning. The ring contains storage media and circuit boards. This way, it stores and contains a wealth of information and also stands for autonomous information management. We cannot imagine an autonomous intelligence yet. And if one day it might exist, it would most probably be incomprehensible to human beings due to its hidden logic and its own "Words".